Oracle Winter 2021

P A G E 2 , T H E A D E L P H I O R A C L E , W I N T E R 2 0 2 1 Test Your Brain With Games! By: Maxelle Cohen, Grade 11 When it comes to challenging their brains, these Adelphians aren’t playing games! After a full day of learning inside the classroom, members of Adelphi Acad- emy’s popular Brain Games Club gather each Monday afternoon inside Adelphi’s Technology & Design Laboratory, eager to challenge themselves with puzzles and problem-solving exercises to keep their brains active. So far, members have worked together to solve challenging Re- bus puzzles, listened to relaxing music while solving shape-based Tangram puz- zles, and watched a thorough tutorial on how to solve a Rubik’s Cube. A Rebus is a puzzle device that combines illustrated pictures with individual letters to represent words or phrases. This activity was fun to do with the group and helped every- one learn to communicate better. Watching a video on how to solve a Rubik’s Cube gave club members a better understanding of the cube, which they are excited to learn more about and, hopefully, solve. With lots more activities planned to keep your mind sharp throughout the year, there’s never a bad time to join the Brain Games Club! Chess Masters Making Moves! By: William Chen, Grade 12 Students are becoming the masters! Chess is a board game that requires two skilled players. It is played on a board set up in an eight-by-eight square grid. It is a strategy game that requires intense concen- tration and patience. Adelphi Academy’s Chess Club, known as Chess Masters, offers members of various skill levels the chance to enjoy some fun competition while challenging their brains. For members of Chess Masters, there is no better feeling than winning a match using a carefully planned strategy. Club member Ariel said, “It is a great way to sharpen your critical thinking skills.” Indeed, to claim victory in chess, you must deceive your opponents and figure out what they are trying to do in advance, then trap them. Implementing a successful strategy is the ultimate payoff. Chess Mas- ters takes place after school on Fridays; join and challenge yourself today! News from Around the School Adelphians Love a Challenge! Class of 2021 member Boris proudly shows off the Tangram puzzle he solved during a recent meeting of the Brain Games Club. By: Antimo Buonincontri, Grade 10 & Timothy Chirkov, Grade 10 Change that headline! Crop that photo! Rewrite that lede sentence! In Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Journalism Club, students work on all aspects of creating the school newspaper, The Adelphi Oracle . It is very technical and requires a lot of knowledge about various parts of the newspaper business — there’s always something new to learn! From headline writing, to developing the perfect introductory sentence (called a lede) to grab the reader’s attention, to cropping photos and placing them into the layout, Journalism Club members literally get a chance to do it all. Staff writer and columnist Isabella said, “I’ve always enjoyed being in Journalism Club because I have developed a special talent for writing and expressing myself through my work.” Fellow staffer Maksim has developed a strong interest in graphic design through the club. “I’ve been progressing and improving on my writing in the club,” he said. “But I’m also excited to learn more about Pho- toshop because it is really fun.” Staff cartoonist Timothy recalled start- ing out sketching comics by hand before becoming comfortable bringing his visions to life digitally through the use of an online program called Storyboard That during Journalism Club sessions. “The quality of my work improved dramatically when I started using the digi- tal designer program,” he said. “It helped me create more comics with infinite design possibilities.” Adelphi’s Journalism Club meets every Wednesday after school inside the Tech- nology & Design Laboratory. To join the staff, speak to Ms. Foronda today! Journalism Club: Oracle Staff Members Are Always Learning Something New! Oracle Production Manager William (right) collaborates with Maksim and Yura on page design.